Saturday, August 1, 2009

Take your son to work day.

I love my kids. Really. Some days...

I have to check myself constantly. Most of the time when I think my kids are being rotten it is because I have put them in a situation where they can't behave. They are overstimulated, under-stimulated, tired, hungry, whatever and I am expecting them to suck it up. I also forget that my children are two distinct individuals and just because my oldest could go to work with me at 3 years old DOESN'T mean my youngest can.

I test drove the portrait party concept today. A sort of open house photo session. One backdrop, just basic shots. Easy in and out. Right?

Baby Huey, my cartoon of a 3 year old started out bouncing around, sticking out his tongue, jumping in front of the camera. By the time the best neighbor in the world cam to rescue me he was literally shrieking. Needless to say I won't e doing that again. Both kids will go elsewhere next time.

Overall the open house portrait session worked. I'm planning one for September, then in October I will be hosting my annual "Howl at the Moon" Halloween photos. For November I am looking for a place to host it outdoors so we can get some family shots with Autumn leaves. If anyone out there knows of private property we can use let me know, with the owner's permission of course.

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