Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Serenity, Courage, Wisdom

I felt like writing today but can't concentrate on anything with the excitement of Christmas and the mush my brain is from pounding out work last week.

My cure is writing personal stuff, so here it is.

This year has been a long, strange trip, but I have kept trucking. Silly I know but you expect nothing less of me. The strangeness has been that so many "bad" things have happened, but my family has weathered and come through united and happy. The economy stinks and the world is cranky but I am not most of the time.

I said a while back that I was looking for the wisdom to know the difference. I was referring to the Serenity Prayer.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"

At the end of last year I was praying for serenity and received it. I finally learned to accept and submit to the fact that there are things in this universe that are far outside of my control and I learned to let go. After that it was easy for me to find the courage to change the things I could. Much harder was the wisdom to know the difference. I have been blessed with friends who have advised me on discernment and judgement. They have listened to me, guided me, and let me vent when I needed to. It's been like my personal 3 step program. Every day I have to work toward serenity, courage, and wisdom. Some days I don't find them all, but I know that tomorrow will be a new day. Breathe and accept and pray. Tomorrow is another chance to find these things and on very special days I get to share these things with others. Be their sponsor and support. Help them discern and give them courage. That has been the greatest blessing.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  1. I am so glad to know you, Carli. I'm thankful for the times we spent together over the last year and look forward to many more collaborations in 2010. You are a blessing in my life!
