Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day... who really cares.

I have been frustrated by my apparent lack of ability to plan my meals and exercise. I have added to this a suspected food allergy. Make that a pantheon of food allergies. It started with my suspicions of corn. I was a very good girl, grabbed a bowl and ate a serving of tortilla chips, then proceeded to suffer through the usual bloat that accompanies the indulgence. Then the next day I indulged in some light microwave popcorn and suffered more. It then occurred to me that perhaps I shouldn't eat corn. I went online to check out the common knowledge about these things and discovered that a lot of the digestive experiences I have are actually symptoms. Raw almonds, bananas, and watermelons make me itch. Bread and paste makes me bloat. Then on to the other symptoms that go along with allergies to just about every food I enjoy.

What started as an effort to be healthier, cut calories, move more, is turning into an all out attack on my entire diet and everything I love. In the end I know I will feel better, my kids will be better off, since they have food allergies also, it does appear. Maybe it will turn out that I have only 2 or 3 allergies, rather than the 4 or 5 I suspect. I am at the end of the day and have avoided gluten et al as much as possible. The real effort will start after the next grocery odyssey.


  1. Uh...fun..the gluten free diet! I have a friend who is allergic to gluten. I like my gluten!

  2. Gluten free is the new "in" thing! Didn't you know? You're actually part of an elite crowd.

    I'm sorry you ran into that wall though. That's never fun when you're trying to do the right thing. You'll figure it out, I have faith in you. You're a smart cookie. A gluten-free cookie!

  3. There are a lot of good resources and recipes out there. Shop at places like RN over Whole Foods to save some bucks. I will pray that all will be made clear to you.
